Organic Farming Consultancy
Are You...Let OrangeCity Naturals help simplify the process and set you up for success with our Organic Farm Consulting Services.
Reach out todayWhen you contact our Organic Crop Consultants, we’ll discuss your
needs and find a solution that's right for you.
Email: info@orangecitynaturals.com
Mobile/WhatsApp: +91 9028806161 , +91 9028706363
Some of the primary services are:
Our organic crop consulting experts have experience with different crops, soils, and climates and are ready to work for you wherever you’re located.
Advantages of Converting to Organic
Low conventional commodity prices and an increasing cost of production have put farmers
in a difficult position that relies primarily on cost-cutting and unsustainable scaling
to generate profit. Organic commodities can fetch two to three times the price of their
conventional counterparts, and sales of organic products have grown steadily over the
past decade. The price premium for organic products allows farmers to make a greater
return on their investment, be more self-sufficient, and rely on a stabilizing market
and buyer relationships rather than competition with imports and outsized corporate
Environmental: By definition, organic crop production does not rely on chemical inputs for soil fertility or pest and disease control. Instead, organic farmers use cover crops, compost, animal inputs, and crop rotation to build the soil and produce strong, resilient farms. Healthy soil is key to managing extreme weather events like drought and flooding.
Practical: Organic agriculture allows farmers to reduce their dependence on companies that aim only to sell them products and don’t necessarily have their best interests in mind. Organic production works because it’s based on the natural cycling of nutrients and cash crops rather than the continued purchase and application of chemical products and genetically engineered seed.
Land Value: Getting farmland certified organic can increase the value of the land and give farmers a valuable asset for future generations.
Consumer Confidence: Organic certification of your farm products tells consumers that you meet rigorous standards and that they can buy with confidence.